Sovereign Woman Membership Circle

 by Uncovering Birth 




Walking each other back home.

Join the membership

Sovereign Woman Membership Circle

 by Uncovering Birth 




Walking eachother back home.

Join the Membership

In over a decade of supporting and guiding women through major life transitions like birth, conception, loss, and death I have been witness to women who experience unexpected  life-changing, delightful, and profound transformation. And what I have come to learn is that women want three things:

To be free. To be safe. To be seen.  

You’ve found this because you're on the precipice of something big. And you’re ready to be witnessed as you cross the bridge into more authenticity, wholeness, and sovereignty.

Women can do this alone if they have to … but they shouldn’t. When women witness each other through this very alchemical process the possibilities are limitless. And I’m here to walk you through this. We, as an intimate, intentional circle, are here to hold that alchemy.

Walking the sovereign path can feel lonely, especially if you don't have a lot of people in your life who are on the same page, and this is a chance to be seen and connect with women who get you. We are meant to thrive in community, and when women come together for alchemy the possibilities are SO potent.

In this intimate container, women will have access to...

JOIN US in the Sovereign Woman Circle Membership where we dismantle old belief systems keeping you from embodying your full potential. 

We honor the reality that each woman has a unique path to sovereignty, fertility, pregnancy, and birth.  Regardless of why you’ve arrived here, get ready to break open your story for a new life script.

Explore what it means to embody sovereignty as a woman. We will dive into reclaiming personal power, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-trust in the context of fertility, pregnancy, and birth and just being a woman in the world today.

NOTE: This is NOT the Doula Membership for Doula Training Graduates.

Please email us at [email protected] to join the Doula Membership.

Monthly Membership


(3 month commitment)


6 month Membership


(billed every 6 months)

JOIN US in the Sovereign Circle Membership where we dismantle old belief systems keeping you from embodying your full potential. 

We honor the reality that each woman has a unique path to sovereignty, fertility, pregnancy, and birth.  Regardless of why you believe you’ve arrived here, we are ready to break that open for the new life script.

Explore what it means to embody sovereignty as a woman. I’ll dive into reclaiming personal power, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-trust in the context of fertility, pregnancy, and birth and just being a woman in the world today.

NOTE: This is NOT the Doula Membership for Doula Training Graduates.

Please email us at [email protected] to join the Doula Membership.

Monthly Membership


(3 month commitment)


6 month Membership


(billed every 6 months)


“All the 'not readies,' & all the 'I need time's' are understandable, but only for a short while. The truth is that there is never a 'completely ready,' there is never a really right time.'

As with any descent to the unconscious, there comes a time when one simply hopes for the best, pinches one's nose, and jumps into the abyss. If this were not so, we would not have needed to create the words heroine, hero, or courage.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

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